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Apartment Leasing Agents: Here's 5 Ways to Get More Leases Starting Now!

Writer's picture: Wise Owl Company Wise Owl Company

Updated: Dec 29, 2019

Follow these 5 easy tips to lease more apartments! Get more leases simply by increasing your conversion ratio.

Leasing apartments is not necessarily the easiest task on earth. As a leasing agent, you're expected to lease a certain amount of apartments every week. If you can't hit the quota, there's big issues, because we all know that vacancies are every apartment complex's biggest fear.

Every apartment complex strives to bring in enough traffic in order to fill vacancies. However, the big question becomes, what if the leasing staff is struggling with converting that traffic?

In order to maximize on traffic, you need to make sure that your conversion rates are high, and that you are converting about 40-50% of traffic that comes through the door!

Every leasing agent should have the goal in mind to convert literally every one that walks through the door to tour...

Here's some ways to make sure that you're doing everything you can to maximize on traffic:

1) Be the First to Contact Leads

When a lead signs up, don't wait a single minute to go by. The lead is always going to be the hottest during the first 3 minutes of them inquiring. We always like to refresh our leads inboxes, this way we increase our chances of setting an appointment with that lead. If you can reach out to a lead while they're hot, setting up the appointment will be that much easier. Plus, you won't have to go through the hassle of reminding the lead which community you are.

2) Keep the Prospect Accountable

How common is it that a prospect sets up a tour but never shows up? Unfortunately this happens more often than not. You can't expect to get leases if your prospects don't show up! This is why it's important that you keep your prospect accountable for showing up to the tour. A good way to do this is to send a reminder to your prospect, and ask them if the time still works for them.

3) Know the prospect and be their best friend

The biggest mistake that leasing agents make is that they don't get to know their prospect. Why did they decide to move? Did they just get a new job? Where are they from? Asking your prospect these kinds of questions will open the doors to so many different conversations, and ultimately, make your prospect open up. You need a prospect to open up to you in order for them to tell you what they want in an apartment. Too many leasing agents miss out on great sales opportunity when they don't spend any time getting to know the prospect.

4) Solve the prospect's problem during the tour

There's never a better time to solve problem's than during the actual tour. If you're waiting to do this part until after the tour, you're already too late. Don't be a problem solver when it's too late, instead, solve problems right away. You should already know your prospect to a good extent when taking them on the tour. This is when you should be pointing out that gym that they've been looking for, or the lounge areas that they can work from. When you solve your prospect's problems with a product that you're presenting them with, you have a very high chance that they'll lease from you.

5) Always be "soft" closing

There's that phrase, "always be closing". But how are you supposed to close on someone if you didn't measure where there interest is in the first place? What if they're not ready to make that decision and you jump the gun with asking them for a close? This is why you should use soft closes.

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